A couple of weeks ago, I went to an event where I met a lot of high-profile national journalists, people I read and listen to and admire. It was a great experience, something I'll write about later, but they did that thing that you do when you're a grown-up and you meet someone new: they exchanged business cards.
I need to get me some business cards. Something simple, just my name, my email, and a phone number, something I can give to people I meet, socially or professionally. As much as it's about how good you are, it's also about who you know, it's the way it works. It's an easy way to make connections.
I don't yet have a design in mind... in fact, my design skills are not stellar. If I had my way, I'd make them by hand with watercolour paper and my paints and pens, sort of like the ones above. This process does not, however, lead to effective mass production.
If you have (or get) a Flickr account, you can use a service called "Moo" to have cards made with a photo of yours. I have these for my blog in case I end up at blog events (though I am often too shy to hang them out!) and they are reasonably priced, ship quickly, and look totally profesh.
Ha! I booped over here to say exactly the same thing. Including often being too shy to hand them out.
I'll add something new by offering the website: http://us.moo.com/en/
I also find Moo to be quite good. I use their mini cards to provide my personal contact information and website addresses to people.
@Jennifer, Megan: Thanks for the tip! They look great. I can (fortunately/unfortunately) forsee myself spending hours on there designing cards... OH! They have some with commas...
@Milan: I do like that mini card of yours.
It’s important to make your business card catchy enough to make a lasting impression to your potential clients. People will remember the first thing they see. So the design, color, and the information you put on your card is crucial. Also, there are a lot of customized designs available online which you can use if you’re still undecided on what to do with your business card.
Make your business card uniquely catchy to make it stand out from the rest. Your business card reflects the cliché’ expression, “First impression lasts”. So better make a good one to impress potential clients.
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