I will have to pay my dues. I will have to do shitty jobs and cover stupid, useless stories no one cares about. If I'm lucky, a local radio show. If I'm good, something national. Who knows right now. But I want a wonderful show that makes people want to listen to the radio again. I want to make people laugh. I want to give them what they didn't know they wanted. I want to talk to interesting people and get paid for it. I want to talk to audiences and do live shows. I want to talk and have many people ACTUALLY listening. I kind of also want to try producing.
I talked to Julia about this last night:
"I want to do radio. I want to host a show. ...but I think that isn't meant to be and I should just be in the control room as a producer."
It's stupid to be pessimistic. It's stupid to be cynical. Dreams can come true sometimes, right?
Okay, so the show was awesome. If you listen tomorrow at 10 am or 10 pm, you can hear my distinctive whoop, and also when, in the first hour, Jian says "Ontario, represent!" and no one cheers and then someone cheers, THAT'S ME. Or if you hear any coughing. Also me. I was hacking up a freaking lung (but quietly I hope -- sorry Kathryn, if you're reading. Not that you're reading anytime soon, because you're at Holy Fuck*).
Kathryn Borel is a producer at Q who did King's journalism several years ago. She emailed me after (somehow, randomly) finding my blog and reading my post CBC, my one true love. I got to meet her this evening and she was quickly off and away chatting with my friend Cameron who also went to the show. But I'm not that cool, so it's ok. I was mostly in a state of shock. However, I will give her mad props for doing a fab job keeping things rolling, and in high heeled boots, to, well, boot.
He had lots of fun people on the show, including Shaun Majumder and Geri Hall. I don't watch a lot of This Hour Has 22 Minutes, but both of them were very funny. I chatted with Geri Hall a little bit after the show and she was super friendly. I didn't know they taped here in Halifax, but now I do and I will definitely go see a taping, as I have now been invited by Geri Hall.
Cameron made me go up to him after, and talk to him. JG, that is, as his people call him. As in, "Does anyone have any gum for JG? Gum for the host?" Actually happened, after the taping, backstage. Too funny.
Here is what I said:
Jian: Hey
LC: Hi, um, hello, I, ah [STARSTRUCK], I am a big fan. (YESSS FIRST POINT OUT.) Could I take a picture? I love your show a lot, listen to it all the time, and ... I... *drools* like your style [forgets how to elaborate on this point] and, um. I'm a big CBC fan. I am a journalism student! [RIGHT, credibility.] at King's!
Jian: Oh, great. [yes, in a genuine way, not in a "oh no, more crazy you" way].
LC: So, I'll, um, see you at King's tomorrow. But I'll be late. But there. So... [to sum up] I love your show and I want to work at CBC. Someday. [PICTURE TIME]
Jian [to me]: What's your name?
LC: LC, I mean, La, um, Canadienne... yeah.
*I hand the camera to Cameron*
Jian: [to Cam]: Hey, how's it going?
Cameron: Pretty good.
LC: That picture had better be good!! No, I mean it. You didn't miss? I'm in it right?
My imagined JG reaction: *facepalm*
Not a bad picture.
*A concert I can't see because I'm not 19. And don't have a fake.**
**Jo Stockton and I know this isn't technically true, but is practically true.
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