Last night I had my first dream about King's, but unfortunately, it was a nightmare. I dreamed I got to King's, opened the door to my res, walked down the stairs, and all the first floor was one small room. not separate ones. There were numbers above the beds, like the room numbers. Davis was a couple of beds away from me, and everything was super squished. She was really angry with me because I couldn't stop crying.
I went outside, and another friend, Phil, was there, and he isn't going to King's. He was fine and happy and had everything figured out. I was confused and couldn't figure out where to go and it was very dark. I felt lost and disconnected. I hate those dreams.
The same night my mom had her recurring dream that she has parked the car somewhere and can't find it, only it was that she had parked her car somewhere in Halifax.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
View from the top
Thursday, 19 June 2008
Here I am in Montreal. And it's raining. Something it has apparently been threatening to do but never did all those days we got drenched in Ottawa. Then I show up and bring the rain. Love you too, Montreal!
I actually got here on Tuesday night. The bus ride was a complete nightmare of screaming children - I had my music turned almost all the way up and even then I could catch the higher shrieks. The bus was full of a "get us outta here" vibe. Luckily, I get off at the first stop.
Tuesday night is not really a big going out night, but it's summer and we're young so Cute Writer and I headed downtown to meet up with one of his old friends. I liked him immediately. I think it was the awesome yellow shoes ("These are worth more than your life!"). He works at a Starbucks, so we went there to get free drinks and pick up his coworker who was coming with us.
By this point, it was about 11 at night. I was rather impressed with my homebody self for continuing to be so awake and ready to go. We headed for the Plateau to go for sheesha. When we showed up, we had managed to get a table ("Short Round! Your tables are STOOLS!") and we were about to order when the whole block's power went out. We didn't get to order for 40 more minutes when the power came back on and the people who worked there stopped having a million problems to fix. We made up for it by staying until closing.
It's strange walking around downtown somewhere in the middle of the night on a weeknight. It's all deserted and glowy and kind of depressing. All this potential for energy and excitement, but no one is there to see it. We walked a long way (and I in new shoes) and finally got to the night bus that took us home. We stumbled in the door at 4:30 as the sun was just starting to think about rising.
That is the story of Homebody's night out with the Cute Writer. I spent most of the next day sleeping and then watching Indiana Jones movies. Last Crusade is my favourite.
I actually got here on Tuesday night. The bus ride was a complete nightmare of screaming children - I had my music turned almost all the way up and even then I could catch the higher shrieks. The bus was full of a "get us outta here" vibe. Luckily, I get off at the first stop.
Tuesday night is not really a big going out night, but it's summer and we're young so Cute Writer and I headed downtown to meet up with one of his old friends. I liked him immediately. I think it was the awesome yellow shoes ("These are worth more than your life!"). He works at a Starbucks, so we went there to get free drinks and pick up his coworker who was coming with us.
By this point, it was about 11 at night. I was rather impressed with my homebody self for continuing to be so awake and ready to go. We headed for the Plateau to go for sheesha. When we showed up, we had managed to get a table ("Short Round! Your tables are STOOLS!") and we were about to order when the whole block's power went out. We didn't get to order for 40 more minutes when the power came back on and the people who worked there stopped having a million problems to fix. We made up for it by staying until closing.
It's strange walking around downtown somewhere in the middle of the night on a weeknight. It's all deserted and glowy and kind of depressing. All this potential for energy and excitement, but no one is there to see it. We walked a long way (and I in new shoes) and finally got to the night bus that took us home. We stumbled in the door at 4:30 as the sun was just starting to think about rising.
That is the story of Homebody's night out with the Cute Writer. I spent most of the next day sleeping and then watching Indiana Jones movies. Last Crusade is my favourite.
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
Don't remain as a needle in the groove
The social life continues in high gear as summer starts up. Last night I headed out after work to go and watch Young People Fucking with Lorien and Andrew and Andrew's friends. There's been a lot of controversy about the title, newspapers don't know if they should print the name, Jian Gomeshi did an admirable job of remembering to call it Young People Effing, where I know I would have misspoken at some point.
His conversation with the director and producer of YPF on Q last week was really interesting. These guys lucked out big time with the Bill C-10 thing. Young People Fucking has become the go-to example for supporters of C-10 lately. Not only does this mean they get a ton more pubicity, but really, it's not offensive. The people who are all upset about this movie are the more conservative types, but I don't know what their problem is. Sure, it's cute and examines different types of relationships, but they're all common, heterosexual relationships. The kinkiest the sex gets is a bored couple uses a strap on, but they seem more afraid of it than anything else. And the "threesome" ends with w distinctly "bad idea" feeling. Nothing for conservative types to get all excited about.
Even though the movie is technically about sex, really, it's about the relationships of the people who are having sex. I thought it was funny, I thought it was awkward, I thought it was very, very true. I kept turning to poor Andrew's friend next to me and telling him "Yeah! Women hate it when guys do that!" or "Don't ever do that, it's so STUPID." I hope he enjoyed my editorial comments.
I'm interested to hear what other people thought of it.
His conversation with the director and producer of YPF on Q last week was really interesting. These guys lucked out big time with the Bill C-10 thing. Young People Fucking has become the go-to example for supporters of C-10 lately. Not only does this mean they get a ton more pubicity, but really, it's not offensive. The people who are all upset about this movie are the more conservative types, but I don't know what their problem is. Sure, it's cute and examines different types of relationships, but they're all common, heterosexual relationships. The kinkiest the sex gets is a bored couple uses a strap on, but they seem more afraid of it than anything else. And the "threesome" ends with w distinctly "bad idea" feeling. Nothing for conservative types to get all excited about.
Even though the movie is technically about sex, really, it's about the relationships of the people who are having sex. I thought it was funny, I thought it was awkward, I thought it was very, very true. I kept turning to poor Andrew's friend next to me and telling him "Yeah! Women hate it when guys do that!" or "Don't ever do that, it's so STUPID." I hope he enjoyed my editorial comments.
I'm interested to hear what other people thought of it.
Sunday, 15 June 2008
Scenes from Westfest
I headed to Westfest again today to see Andrea play. As was expected, she was fabulous, although I love her music so much I don't think I could have thought it was anything else. As always, Ottawa is the tiniest city ever and I ran into many people I knew.

This little guy was the other star of the afternoon, gaining many fans. He was totally pooped, and hid in some shade for a rest.

Right after Andrea's set, the heavens opened and it POURED rain. My umbrella had its LAST use, as it started raining inside my umbrella because there were holes in it. Note to self, do not leave umbrella under a car seat for seven years then think you can use it. Here are a bunch of us hiding under the CBC tent. We didn't have much luck staying dry.
This little guy was the other star of the afternoon, gaining many fans. He was totally pooped, and hid in some shade for a rest.
Right after Andrea's set, the heavens opened and it POURED rain. My umbrella had its LAST use, as it started raining inside my umbrella because there were holes in it. Note to self, do not leave umbrella under a car seat for seven years then think you can use it. Here are a bunch of us hiding under the CBC tent. We didn't have much luck staying dry.
Saturday, 14 June 2008
I have Love Shack stuck in my head
WOW. Folks, this is what they call an ACTION-PACKED 48 hours. My poor brain is so befuddled it doesn't know what to do. Because it's so completely fitting, I think I will go through everything out of sequence.
First of all, I just ate a wonderful scallop meal. I can die completely happy. I did not have the foresight (or self-restraint) to fetch my camera and take a picture of my pretty, pretty scallop meal to show you, as possibly more devoted bloggers may have done. You'll all just have to take my word for it that it was both esthetically and gastronomically pleasing.
Speaking of meal-documenting bloggers, Jen read today at Westfest. I've been a little bit of a flake lately, I think, and I'm really glad I didn't flake out on this one (I nearly did... see below for completely valid reason). When I showed up, I pulled up a chair to listen to the first writer (who was hilarious. I'm putting her book on my list). When Jen was introduced, I heard a cheering behind me and joined her fan section, which consisted of a couple people I'd met (Megan, Michael) and a few I didn't, but who were very friendly. Directly after Jen's reading, a late Andrea arrived, BH and more importantly, little Morty in tow. While I am totally not a dog person, I am in love with that dog. He's SO CUTE. I will take full advantage of his close proximity to my house while I still can, before Andrea moves (boo. But not really.)
Canine entertainment aside, Westfest lit was very enjoyable. I love Jen's book, I've read it more than once, and it's always fun to hear a book read by the voice who made it. Now that I've heard Jen read a couple times, when I read her book, it reads in her voice in my head. Heather O'Neill was the another author who read who I really liked. I think I'll put her book on my list.
In a fun and exciting twist of time and space, I'm going to jump to yesterday morning. As the last day of school, this meant something called grad breakfast. It's exactly what it sounds like: graduating students and breakfast burritos cooked by teachers. I teared up when I walked into the caf and saw them all hard at work. Gosh darn. They make it so hard to leave.
Before hand, a group of grads met up by the canal to hang out, eat "special" watermelon and discuss the latest happenings. The most exciting grad prank was a beach that was created at smokers' corner, complete with sand, lawn chairs and umbrellas. I think it's exactly what a grad prank should be, light-hearted and funny, but one student got suspended, which was quite upsetting. The whole thing was cleaned up before anyone got to school, but I'm hoping someone took a picture so I can see.
The rest of that day went by in a flash. There was an awards assembly ("oh, math and science awards... asian, asian, asian, south-east asian...") which included a high school coup of the nerdy trivia team having a more exciting film than Dance Club. We spent hours signing yearbooks, and before I knew what was happening, it was 2pm and I scurried home to grab a swimsuit and pop over for a pleasant afternoon of sun and pool with some grads.
Last night though, was the most epic part. The reason I almost skipped out on Westfest lit was because I spent last night, 7pm-7am, doing the twelve hour Relay for Life, to raise money for cancer research. Usually an event where my school barely has enough people for a team, this year a bunch of us decided we couldn't think of a better way to spend the night of our last day than hanging out with friends and staying up all night. We were not one of the competitive teams with pro runner guys in tiny shorts, but we had a nice time taking turns walking and sometimes even running around the track. I was super impressed with myself for running not one but TWO laps (summer goal to get in shape?). Some highlights of the night:
-pizza and valedictorian cake at 11pm, delivered by Anand's dad
-Kevin's epic "eight-person" tent
-the most amazing home-made cookies ever
-actually semi decent music from Bob fm, until they decided the only song in the world was Love Shack at about 5:30 am.
-A huge thunder storm at 1am
-a tent fly that malfunctioned
-soaking wet everything
-falling asleep at a funny angle in a camp chair at 6am.
-smelling like bug spray and sweat and wet dog
...and I loved being with those people. I will miss them very much, one and all.
I got in the car at 7am and dozed while listening to a strangely familiar voice on the radio who turned out to be Michael Bhardwaj. I think I enjoyed the show, but I can't really remember, because I crashed the minute I got home.
Like I said, ACTION-PACKED. I hope this bodes well for the summer...
First of all, I just ate a wonderful scallop meal. I can die completely happy. I did not have the foresight (or self-restraint) to fetch my camera and take a picture of my pretty, pretty scallop meal to show you, as possibly more devoted bloggers may have done. You'll all just have to take my word for it that it was both esthetically and gastronomically pleasing.
Speaking of meal-documenting bloggers, Jen read today at Westfest. I've been a little bit of a flake lately, I think, and I'm really glad I didn't flake out on this one (I nearly did... see below for completely valid reason). When I showed up, I pulled up a chair to listen to the first writer (who was hilarious. I'm putting her book on my list). When Jen was introduced, I heard a cheering behind me and joined her fan section, which consisted of a couple people I'd met (Megan, Michael) and a few I didn't, but who were very friendly. Directly after Jen's reading, a late Andrea arrived, BH and more importantly, little Morty in tow. While I am totally not a dog person, I am in love with that dog. He's SO CUTE. I will take full advantage of his close proximity to my house while I still can, before Andrea moves (boo. But not really.)
Canine entertainment aside, Westfest lit was very enjoyable. I love Jen's book, I've read it more than once, and it's always fun to hear a book read by the voice who made it. Now that I've heard Jen read a couple times, when I read her book, it reads in her voice in my head. Heather O'Neill was the another author who read who I really liked. I think I'll put her book on my list.
In a fun and exciting twist of time and space, I'm going to jump to yesterday morning. As the last day of school, this meant something called grad breakfast. It's exactly what it sounds like: graduating students and breakfast burritos cooked by teachers. I teared up when I walked into the caf and saw them all hard at work. Gosh darn. They make it so hard to leave.
Before hand, a group of grads met up by the canal to hang out, eat "special" watermelon and discuss the latest happenings. The most exciting grad prank was a beach that was created at smokers' corner, complete with sand, lawn chairs and umbrellas. I think it's exactly what a grad prank should be, light-hearted and funny, but one student got suspended, which was quite upsetting. The whole thing was cleaned up before anyone got to school, but I'm hoping someone took a picture so I can see.
The rest of that day went by in a flash. There was an awards assembly ("oh, math and science awards... asian, asian, asian, south-east asian...") which included a high school coup of the nerdy trivia team having a more exciting film than Dance Club. We spent hours signing yearbooks, and before I knew what was happening, it was 2pm and I scurried home to grab a swimsuit and pop over for a pleasant afternoon of sun and pool with some grads.
Last night though, was the most epic part. The reason I almost skipped out on Westfest lit was because I spent last night, 7pm-7am, doing the twelve hour Relay for Life, to raise money for cancer research. Usually an event where my school barely has enough people for a team, this year a bunch of us decided we couldn't think of a better way to spend the night of our last day than hanging out with friends and staying up all night. We were not one of the competitive teams with pro runner guys in tiny shorts, but we had a nice time taking turns walking and sometimes even running around the track. I was super impressed with myself for running not one but TWO laps (summer goal to get in shape?). Some highlights of the night:
-pizza and valedictorian cake at 11pm, delivered by Anand's dad
-Kevin's epic "eight-person" tent
-the most amazing home-made cookies ever
-actually semi decent music from Bob fm, until they decided the only song in the world was Love Shack at about 5:30 am.
-A huge thunder storm at 1am
-a tent fly that malfunctioned
-soaking wet everything
-falling asleep at a funny angle in a camp chair at 6am.
-smelling like bug spray and sweat and wet dog
...and I loved being with those people. I will miss them very much, one and all.
I got in the car at 7am and dozed while listening to a strangely familiar voice on the radio who turned out to be Michael Bhardwaj. I think I enjoyed the show, but I can't really remember, because I crashed the minute I got home.
Like I said, ACTION-PACKED. I hope this bodes well for the summer...
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Possibly Maybe
I am done high school. My last exam was this morning, so I am completely academically finished. Hooray!
What this leaves behind is a very eerie feeling. It's frightening, it's breathtaking, it's... lack of stress. It happens every year, but it scares me every time. Right now I have no projects I should be doing, no books I should be reading, no exams I should be studying for. Nothing. The absence of stress stresses me out, more than I feel it should.
What I need is direction. A goal. Something to accomplish, and a plan on how to get there. Something like... learning to sew, but less vague and more accomplishable. A list of books and read my way through? Eh maybe... I need something. Oh, maybe I'll make a zine! But I have nothing to write about. The search for a purpose goes on.
Comstock Countdown: 24 days.
What this leaves behind is a very eerie feeling. It's frightening, it's breathtaking, it's... lack of stress. It happens every year, but it scares me every time. Right now I have no projects I should be doing, no books I should be reading, no exams I should be studying for. Nothing. The absence of stress stresses me out, more than I feel it should.
What I need is direction. A goal. Something to accomplish, and a plan on how to get there. Something like... learning to sew, but less vague and more accomplishable. A list of books and read my way through? Eh maybe... I need something. Oh, maybe I'll make a zine! But I have nothing to write about. The search for a purpose goes on.
Comstock Countdown: 24 days.
Wednesday, 11 June 2008
And so it goes
Somehow, high school is over.
I have an exam to write tomorrow, a grad ceremony at the end of the month and prom in a week. But that's it. For all intents and purposes... high school is over.
I don't want to be one of those people who thinks that high school is the best time of their lives, but I know I'm not one of those people who couldn't wait to leave. Sure, there were times when I was fed up with school, or the people, or the administration, but I did really enjoy my time in high school. I made great friends, learned a lot, had a lot of fun. I have changed a lot from the girl with one friend who barely knew her classmates. I've gotten comfortable. I know the people, the teachers, the school and I found my spot. Where I belong. I like it. It's comfortable. And now it's about to change all over again.
There are so many things I'll miss. I'll miss Jake's drama and ability to get the party started wherever he is. I'll miss Alexa's cheerful face. I'll miss Kevin's completely genuine, good heart. I'll miss Alex's sunglasses, Kirsten's face planted on her desk, Eric's smarts, Tegan's laugh, Bora's incredible diction, Mr Hodgson's semi-colon walk. These are the things I've surrounded myself with and this is what I'll miss.
I'm probably not done writing about the end of high school; it's liable to become a recurring theme for a while. Walking into that school and thinking that phase is about to end... I can't even wrap my head around it now. It's scary to think that it's in the past because now, the future is shiny and new and I have no idea how that will go.
I have an exam to write tomorrow, a grad ceremony at the end of the month and prom in a week. But that's it. For all intents and purposes... high school is over.
I don't want to be one of those people who thinks that high school is the best time of their lives, but I know I'm not one of those people who couldn't wait to leave. Sure, there were times when I was fed up with school, or the people, or the administration, but I did really enjoy my time in high school. I made great friends, learned a lot, had a lot of fun. I have changed a lot from the girl with one friend who barely knew her classmates. I've gotten comfortable. I know the people, the teachers, the school and I found my spot. Where I belong. I like it. It's comfortable. And now it's about to change all over again.
There are so many things I'll miss. I'll miss Jake's drama and ability to get the party started wherever he is. I'll miss Alexa's cheerful face. I'll miss Kevin's completely genuine, good heart. I'll miss Alex's sunglasses, Kirsten's face planted on her desk, Eric's smarts, Tegan's laugh, Bora's incredible diction, Mr Hodgson's semi-colon walk. These are the things I've surrounded myself with and this is what I'll miss.
I'm probably not done writing about the end of high school; it's liable to become a recurring theme for a while. Walking into that school and thinking that phase is about to end... I can't even wrap my head around it now. It's scary to think that it's in the past because now, the future is shiny and new and I have no idea how that will go.
Monday, 9 June 2008
Reading List
My reading list for next year came in the mail!!! I'm so excited. Highlights include that they swapped the Illiad for Odyssey, which I read in lit, and we do a whole section on The Tempest and Dr Faustus and Montaigne and all the things Mr Hodgson mentioned in lit but we didn't have much time to look into. I am such an excited little freshman.
I also now have a roommate. She is from Ottawa, which is exciting and means we will get to meet before move-in day... like months before. I think it is very convenient. From my small amoutn of facebook investigation, she seems to enjoy scarves and funky earrings to the extent I do and her messages have all been very friendly. She is a year older at least; she did Katimavik for a while. I feel room 010 is going to be a fun one. (Room 010 is our number. Just PS).
Ask me later about strange customers and bikinis. Two separate stories. Good ones both.
I also now have a roommate. She is from Ottawa, which is exciting and means we will get to meet before move-in day... like months before. I think it is very convenient. From my small amoutn of facebook investigation, she seems to enjoy scarves and funky earrings to the extent I do and her messages have all been very friendly. She is a year older at least; she did Katimavik for a while. I feel room 010 is going to be a fun one. (Room 010 is our number. Just PS).
Ask me later about strange customers and bikinis. Two separate stories. Good ones both.
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Things I'd rather do rather than sit in an empty store doing nothing
1. Read Captain Corelli's Mandolin which I haven't finished yet, and should be since we're now studying it in class.
2. Read The Tempest which I completely missed in class.
3. Finish my short story assignment for Writer's Craft.
4. Listen to my newly-acquired Bjork CDs.
5. Stare at the awesome Westfest lineup and get more and more excited.
6. Make summer plans with my cousins, who I get to see in just over a month.
7. Somehow be in Montreal with the Cute Writer.
8. Watch Battlestar Galactica on Surf the Channel if only Surf the Channel were frakking working!
9. Make plans to hang out with friends during my last couple weeks of being classmates with them.
10. Make lists of things I need for school next year (new lamp!)
11. Listen to Q podcasts.
2. Read The Tempest which I completely missed in class.
3. Finish my short story assignment for Writer's Craft.
4. Listen to my newly-acquired Bjork CDs.
5. Stare at the awesome Westfest lineup and get more and more excited.
6. Make summer plans with my cousins, who I get to see in just over a month.
7. Somehow be in Montreal with the Cute Writer.
8. Watch Battlestar Galactica on Surf the Channel if only Surf the Channel were frakking working!
9. Make plans to hang out with friends during my last couple weeks of being classmates with them.
10. Make lists of things I need for school next year (new lamp!)
11. Listen to Q podcasts.
Sunday, 1 June 2008
Midnight Phone Call
Ten Things I Hate About You is one of my favourite movies. Not only because Heath Ledger is good looking or I have a girlcrush on Julia Stiles, not only because it's one of the better Shakespearean reinventions or because it's so perfectly, painfully 90's. It is because of all of these reasons and more, and if you really want to know, we'll have tea sometime and watch it. It'll be fun!
One of the best scenes from this movie involves the boy, Heath Ledger "sacrificing himself on the altar of dignity" in order to attempt to regain the affections of his love interest, Julia Stiles. He sings "You're Just Too Good to be True". For her. His voice is not perfect but his intentions are clear and he pays the band to accompany him. I do not blame Julia Stiles one bit for breaking him out of detention, but that's another story.
A few minutes ago, I got a phone call (long-distance) from the Cute Writer. He was at karaoke, which, granted, is not my favourite thing, but he's a big fan and what the hell, I'm supportive. He called me and said "Guess what song I just sang. And it was for you."
Yes, he did. He sang the song. The song from the movie I told him I loved. I told him weeks ago. And he sang it for me.
"I wanted to call you and hold up the phone like "listen!" but, you know, long distance."
Oh, I do know. But distance or no distance... that is one of the cutest things ever. Next time I hope I'm in town for it. I might even go to karaoke, who knows.
One of the best scenes from this movie involves the boy, Heath Ledger "sacrificing himself on the altar of dignity" in order to attempt to regain the affections of his love interest, Julia Stiles. He sings "You're Just Too Good to be True". For her. His voice is not perfect but his intentions are clear and he pays the band to accompany him. I do not blame Julia Stiles one bit for breaking him out of detention, but that's another story.
A few minutes ago, I got a phone call (long-distance) from the Cute Writer. He was at karaoke, which, granted, is not my favourite thing, but he's a big fan and what the hell, I'm supportive. He called me and said "Guess what song I just sang. And it was for you."
Yes, he did. He sang the song. The song from the movie I told him I loved. I told him weeks ago. And he sang it for me.
"I wanted to call you and hold up the phone like "listen!" but, you know, long distance."
Oh, I do know. But distance or no distance... that is one of the cutest things ever. Next time I hope I'm in town for it. I might even go to karaoke, who knows.
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